3.16. Removal and dismantling of a head of the block of cylindersWe remove a head of the block of cylinders for replacement of laying, repair of the mechanism of the drive of valves and the head, and also at full dismantling of the engine.
We perform work on a viewing ditch or the elevator.
If it is necessary to replace laying or to dismantle conrod and piston group on the car, then we remove a head of the block of cylinders assembled with a final collector, an inlet pipe and the carburetor, as shown in our case.
We disconnect a wire of the rechargeable battery. We merge cooling liquid (see. "Replacement of cooling liquid on the car with the VAZ-2106 engine").
We remove the case of the air filter (see. "Removal of the case of the air filter"). We disconnect a cable of the drive of the air gate from the carburetor (see. "Removal of a cable of the drive of the air gate of the carburetor"), a cable of the drive of butterfly valves (see. "Removal of a cable of the drive of butterfly valves of the carburetor"), a fuel supply hose (see. "Removal of the carburetor"), wires from the EPHH microswitch (see. "Removal of the microswitch"), hoses of ventilation of a case and a supply of depression to the vacuum regulator of an advancing of ignition (see. "Removal of the carburetor"). We disconnect hoses of removal of cooling liquid and the vacuum amplifier of brakes from unions of an inlet pipe (see. "Replacement of laying of an inlet pipe and final collector"). We remove the ignition distributor (see. "Removal of the distributor of ignition").
We disconnect a reception pipe from a final collector (see. "Removal of a reception pipe on the car a sdvigatel of VAZ-2106"), the heat-shielding screen of a starter and an arm of the taking-away heater radiator tube (see. "Replacement of laying of an inlet pipe and final collector"). We disconnect a wire from the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (see. "Replacement of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid for a combination of devices on the car with the VAZ-2106 engine").
We disconnect hoses from the taking-away branch pipe of a shirt of cooling and a hose from bringing heater radiator branch pipe (see. "Removal of the engine from the car").
We remove the camshaft (see. "Removal of the camshaft and levers of the drive of valves").
We remove a chain from an asterisk of the camshaft and, having hooked on a wire for one of chain links, we tie up it that the chain did not fall in an engine case.
Head "on 13" we turn off the bolt of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders located outside of a head near a nest of fastening of the distributor of ignition.
Head "on 12" we turn off ten bolts of fastening of a head to the block of cylinders of the engine.
We take out bolts...
... also we remove a head of the block of cylinders assembled with an inlet pipe, the carburetor and a final collector.
We remove laying of a head of the block of cylinders.
For dismantling we establish a head of the block of cylinders on a workbench. Having turned off seven nuts of fastening, we remove an inlet pipe and a final collector (see. "Replacement of laying of an inlet pipe and final collector").
Having turned off a head "on 10" two nuts of fastening of the bringing heater radiator branch pipe...
... we remove a branch pipe...
... and its sealing laying.
Key "on 13" we turn off two nuts of fastening of the taking-away cooling system shirt branch pipe...
... also we remove a branch pipe.
We remove sealing laying of a branch pipe.
When dismantling the mechanism of the drive of valves...
... we enclose under a plate of the valve an emphasis - wooden whetstone.
We take valve crackers (see. "Replacement of maslootrazhatelny caps of the mechanism of gas distribution")...
... also we take out the valve from the directing plug of a head of the block of cylinders.
In the same way we dismantle other valves.
In need of dismantle of an adjusting bolt of the valve...
... a key "on 17" raskontrivay, and a key "on 13" we turn off an adjusting bolt from a nest in a head of the block of cylinders.
We take out an adjusting bolt.
Key "on 21" we unscrew the plug of an adjusting bolt.
Similarly we unscrew the next plug...
... to remove a lock plate of plugs.
We assemble the valvate mechanism е the return sequence.
Before installation of valves we clear them of a deposit and we oil cores engine.
Having assembled the valvate mechanism...
... with plastic brisk we strike with the hammer blow to an end face of each valve for more reliable fixing of crackers (at the same time the wooden emphasis has to be removed from under a plate of the valve).
Before installation of branch pipes of the cooling system we clear the privalochny planes of branch pipes and a head of the block of cylinders of the remains of old laying. We establish new laying of branch pipes, greasing everyone with a thin layer of sealant.
We clear the privalochny planes of a head and the block of cylinders of the engine of the remains of old laying, dirt and oil. We delete oil and cooling liquid with a rubber pear or the syringe with a needle from fixing openings of the block of cylinders of the engine.
We establish laying and a head of the block of cylinders on two aligning plugs.
Installing a head on the block of cylinders, by means of a wire we pass a chain through an opening in a head.
Having established bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders, we tighten them in the order shown in fig. 3.
For ensuring reliable consolidation and an exception of tightening of bolts at maintenance of the car we tighten bolts and two receptions:
The 1st reception - we tighten bolts 1-10 moment of 34-42 N · m (3,4 - 4,2 kgfs · l);
The 2nd reception bolts 1-10 the m (9,8-12,1 kgfs · l), and a bolt 11 - the moment of 34-42 N · m is tightened by the moment of 98-121 N · (3,4-4,2 kgfs · м).
Fig. 3. Order of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders