3.20. Replacement of laying of the pallet of a caseWe perform work on a viewing ditch or the elevator.
We remove a forward cross-piece of a stretcher (see. "Removal of a stretcher").
By head "on 10" with the extender it is turned off 19 bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case to the block of cylinders of the engine.
We disconnect pillows of forward support of the power unit from arms of the block of cylinders (see. "Removal of support of the power unit on the car with the VAZ-2106 engine", page 46).
We establish an adjustable emphasis under a coupling case, as shown in a picture.
We bring a back part of the pallet of a case out of space between the block of cylinders of the engine and a back cross-piece of a stretcher and we remove the pallet together with sealing laying.
We remove laying of the pallet of a case.
We clear the privalenny planes of the block of cylinders and the pallet of a case of dirt, oil and the remains of old laying. We grease new laying with a thin layer of sealant and we install the case pallet in the return sequence. We tighten bolts of fastening of the pallet evenly ordered moment (see. "Appendix").