7.11. Removal of a motionless plate of contact group of the breakerAll operations on dismantle and installation of knots and details of the distributor of ignition, except removal of the roller of the distributor with the centrifugal regulator an ignition operezhniya, can be executed on the car. For descriptive reasons we show them on the removed distributor.
Removal of the condenser
We remove the condenser only for its replacement. We remove<плюсового> a wire tip from a contact bolt of the distributor<Снятие распределителя
зажигания» (see).
We unscrew two screws of fastening of an arm of the condenser to the distributor case...
... also we remove the condenser.
We install the condenser in the return sequence.
Removal of the vacuum regulator of an advancing of ignition
We remove a cover and a rotor of the distributor<Снятие крышки и ротора распределителя
зажигания» (see).
The tweezers removed a spring clamp of draft of the vacuum regulator from a pin of a mobile plate of contact group of the breaker.
We unscrew two screws of fastening of an arm of the vacuum regulator to the distributor case.
Having removed draft of the vacuum regulator from a pin of a mobile plate, we bring her out of the distributor case...
... also we remove the vacuum regulator.
We install the vacuum regulator in the return sequence.
Removal of a motionless plate of contact group of the breaker
We remove a cover and a rotor of the distributor<Снятие крышки и ротора распределителя
зажигания» (see).
We remove the vacuum regulator of an advancing of ignition<Снятие вакуумного регулятора
опережения зажигания» (see).
We remove contact group of the breaker<Проверка и регулировка зазора между
контактами прерывателя» (see).
We unscrew the screw of fastening of a wire of "weight" and the holder of a motionless plate.
We take out the screw with a tip of a wire of "weight" and we remove the holder.
We unscrew the second screw located oppositely to the first...
... also we take out a motionless plate assembled with the bearing and a mobile plate.
We establish a motionless plate with the bearing in the return sequence.