7.4. Ignition distributor lubricantEach 15 thousand kilometers of a run of the car should be greased distributor knots. For this purpose we uncover the distributor (see. "Removal of a cover and rotor of the distributor of ignition"). In photos the distributor is removed for descriptive reasons.
For lubricant of the bearing of sliding in which the distributor roller rotates...
... we shift a spring cover from the butterdish located near fastening of the condenser to the distributor case...
... and by the syringe it is entered several drops of engine oil into a butterdish opening.
For lubricant of a working surface of a cam...
... with the syringe it is applied several drops of oil on a felt filts of a cam.
We grease with one-two drops of engine oil an axis of mobile contact.
For couple lubricant "the roller — an internal surface of a cam of the distributor" we remove a distributor rotor (see. "Removal of a cover and rotor of the distributor of ignition")...
... and with the syringe it is applied several drops of engine oil on the felt epiploon located in a cam end face.
We establish the removed details in the return sequence.