19.15.3. Removal of a combination of devices
Scheme of connections of a combination of devices: 1 - sensor of the index of temperature of cooling liquid; 2 - assembly block; 3 - sensor of the index of level of fuel; 4 - ignition switch; 5 - combination of devices; 6 - index of level of fuel; 7 - tachometer; 8 - index of temperature of cooling liquid; 9 - voltmeter; 10 - delay mechanism of control Pampas of a reserve of fuel; 11 - ignition coil.
We disconnect a wire of "weight" from the rechargeable battery. We remove a peak and an overlay (panel) of the dashboard (see. "Removal of the dashboard"). The steering wheel can be not removed (on a photo it is removed for descriptive reasons).
By the crosswise screw-driver it is turned off four self-tapping screws of fastening of a combination of devices.
We take away a combination of devices up and we disconnect a speedometer drive shaft from a combination of devices, (see. "Removal of a flexible shaft of the drive of a speedometer").
We disconnect a tube from the union of an ekonometr.
We disconnect from sockets of a combination of devices red (in the center) and black (at the left) blocks of wires.
Having marked colors of wires...
... we disconnect their plugs from tachometer conclusions.
We remove a combination of devices.
We establish a combination of devices in the return sequence.