14.6. Dismantling and assembly of a reducer of the back bridgeWe merge oil (see. "Replacement of oil in the back bridge").
For repair we remove a beam of the back bridge (see. "Removal of a beam of the back bridge") (at emergency some repair operations can be executed without removing a beam from the car).
Head "on 12" we turn off seven bolts of fastening of a cover of a case of the back bridge (the eighth bolt is turned off at removal of an adapter of the brake system - see. "Removal of a beam of the back bridge").
We uncover also its laying.
We mark with a chisel or a center punch an arrangement of one of differential bearing covers concerning a case of the back bridge that at assembly to provide correctness of installation of covers (they are processed assembled with cases of bearings and are not interchangeable).
We mark a cover of the right bearing.
Key "on 12" we turn off a bolt of fastening of a lock plate of an adjusting nut of the right bearing of a box of differential...
... also we remove a plate.
Similarly we remove a lock plate of an adjusting nut of the left bearing.
Head "on 17" we turn off two bolts of fastening of a cover of the right bearing of a box of differential...
... also we take out bolts together with spring washers.
We uncover the right bearing...
... also we take out an adjusting nut.
Similarly we uncover and we take out an adjusting nut of the left bearing of a box of differential.
We take out a differential box assembled with bearings and the conducted gear wheel of the main transfer.
If we do not change bearings of a box of differential, then we mark their external rings not to mix at assembly.
We take an epiploon of the leading gear wheel from a mouth of a case of the main transfer (see. "Replacement of an epiploon of the leading gear wheel of the main transfer").
Having inserted tweezers sponges into intervals between vents of a shaft of the leading gear wheel, we move apart sponges and we take out a maslootrazhatelny washer.
Through a drift from soft metal we beat out the leading gear wheel...
... also we take out it from a case of the back bridge.
We take from a mouth of a case of the main transfer an internal ring of the forward bearing of the leading gear wheel with a separator and rollers.
Through a drift from soft metal from a mouth of a case of the main transfer we beat out an external ring of the forward bearing...
... also we take out it.
By means of a drift we beat out also external ring of the back bearing...
... also we take out it together with adjusting laying of bearings of the leading gear wheel.
We remove the expansion plug from a shaft of the leading gear wheel.
We clamp a shaft of the leading gear wheel in a vice with overlays of sponges from soft metal or we rest it an end face against wooden whetstone.
Striking blows with the hammer through a drift to an internal ring of the back bearing, we shift the bearing...
... also we remove it together with a separator and rollers from the leading gear wheel.
Having removed an external ring of the bearing of a box of differential...
... by a stripper it is pressed an internal ring of the bearing.
In the absence of a stripper we insert a chisel between an end face of an internal ring of the bearing and a box of differential.
Striking blows to a chisel, we shift an internal ring of the bearing.
Into the formed gap it is inserted two powerful screw-drivers (or assembly shovels)...
... also we press an internal ring of the bearing with a separator and rollers.
Similarly we press an internal ring of the second bearing of differential with a separator and rollers.
Having clamped a differential box in a vice with overlays of sponges from soft metal...
... by a cap key<на 14> it is turned off eight bolts of fastening of the conducted gear wheel to a differential box.
The hammer with plastic brisk we force down the conducted gear wheel from a differential box...
... also we remove a gear wheel.
We take out an axis of satellites.
Turning satellites, we take out them from a differential box.
We take out semi-axial gear wheels...
... and their basic washers.
Before assembly we wash out reducer details in kerosene and we examine them. We check a condition of teeths of gear wheels of the main transfer. Injuries at least of one tooth (a vykrashivaniye, teases of a working surface) are inadmissible. With a fine-grained skin it is eliminated insignificant damages of an axis of satellites, necks of gear wheels of half shafts and their landing openings to a differential box. At serious damages of these details we replace them with new. At detection even of insignificant damages of surfaces of basic washers of gear wheels of half shafts we replace washers on new (with a selection of thickness of washers). Bearings of the leading gear wheel and a box of differential have to be without wear, with smooth working surfaces. Bad condition of bearings is the reason of noise and jamming of teeths of gear wheels. Internal rings of bearings of a box of differential with separators and rollers napressovyvay on a box a suitable piece of a pipe. We fix the conducted gear wheel on a differential box.
At assembly of differential we oil gearbox gear wheels of half shafts with basic washers and satellites and we establish them in a differential box. We turn satellites and gear wheels of half shafts so that to combine an axis of rotation of satellites with an axis of openings in a differential box, and we insert an axis of satellites. The axial gap of each gear wheel of a half shaft should not exceed 0,3 mm. At the increased gap we enclose additional persistent washers under gear wheels. The moment of resistance to rotation of gear wheels of differential should not exceed 20 Nanometers (2,0 kgfs · l) - gear wheels have to be turned by a hand.
Having undertaken fingers the acting parts of semi-axial gear wheels, we check ease of rotation of the mechanism of differential.
When replacing the main couple of reducer or bearings of the leading gear wheel we determine the size of a package of new adjusting laying<Описание конструкции> (see).
The tool head (pipe piece) suitable on diameter we press in a case of the main transfer an external ring of the back bearing - without adjusting laying.
Suitable piece of a pipe napressovyvay on a new leading gear wheel an internal ring of the back bearing with a separator and rollers.
We insert the leading gear wheel into a reducer case.
We put on a shaft of the leading gear wheel the aligning mandrel (see fig. 1).
Fig. 1. A mandrel for centering of a shaft of the leading gear wheel of the main transfer.
Operev an end face of the leading gear wheel on wooden whetstone...
... napressovyvay on a gear wheel shaft a driveshaft flange, we put on a washer and we tighten a nut of fastening of a flange against the stop to choose an axial side play of the leading gear wheel.
We insert into beds of bearings of differential in a case of the main transfer a control mandrel (see fig. 2 and 4). We establish covers of bearings on the places (according to tags) and we tighten bolts of fastening of covers. We establish a micrometric rack (see fig. 3) between a mandrel and an end face of the leading gear wheel (see rice 4).
Fig. 2. A control mandrel for measurement of the assembly size in a case of the main transfer.
Fig. 3. A micrometric rack for determination of the assembly amount of the main transfer.
Fig. 4. Installation of a mandrel and micrometric rack in a case of the main transfer: 1 - control mandrel; 2 - micrometric rack; 3 - the aligning mandrel.
Repetty bourgeoises a micrometric rack on an end face of the leading gear wheel, we fix distance from a gear wheel end face to a control mandrel. Having measured a rack by a micrometer, we determine the assembly amount of the main transfer <А>which is equal to the rack size sum (<В>) and half of diameter of a control mandrel (<С>). We remove a control mandrel, we take out the leading gear wheel from a case and we remove from it the aligning mandrel. We press off an external ring of the back bearing of the leading gear wheel from a case.
We calculate the size of a package of adjusting laying. For this purpose from the size of the assembly size<А> the nominal assembly size is deductible<Описание
конструкции> (see). We install a package of laying of the corresponding thickness in a case and we press an external ring of the back bearing.
Suitable piece of a pipe we press an external ring of the forward bearing of the main transfer.
We insert the leading gear wheel with the new expansion plug into a case of the main transfer. Having established a wooden support under a gear wheel end face (see a photo 35)...
... napressovyvay on a gear wheel shaft an internal ring of the forward bearing with a separator and rollers.
We put on a maslootrazhatelny washer a gear wheel shaft. Having oiled a working edge of a new epiploon gearbox...
... a suitable piece of a pipe we press an epiploon in a mouth of a case of the main transfer.
Having established a flange with a washer, we tighten a nut the moment of 145-160 N · m (14,5-16 kgfs · м). Zakontrivayem a nut, having rumpled its fillet in a shaft groove.
Having turned the leading gear wheel on 10-15 of turns...
... we measure by a dynamometer key the moment of resistance to rotation of a gear wheel (the friction moment in bearings) which has to be in limits of 0,15-0,25 kgfs · see.
In the absence of a dynamometer key we check the friction moment in bearings, turning a gear wheel a hand for a flange. At the same time the hand has to feel the small resistance to rotation of a gear wheel.
We establish in a case of the main transfer differential assembled with bearings with the minimum side gap between teeths of the leader and conducted gear wheels. We insert adjusting nuts perhaps closer to external rings of bearings. We establish covers of bearings according to the put tags and we tighten bolts of fastening of covers the preliminary moment of 47-49 N · m (4,7-4,9 kgfs · м).
We fix on a case of the main transfer a rack of the indicator (fig. 5) so that his leg settled down in the radial direction to the surface of tooth of the conducted gear wheel. We turn left (from the conducted gear wheel) an adjusting nut, striking weak blows with the hammer through small beards to its teeths and trying to obtain the size of a side gap in gearing of gear wheels of the main transfer (on the indicator) within 0,08-0,10 mm. At the same time the right adjusting nut should not concern an external ring of the right bearing of differential.
Fig. 5. Check of a side gap in gearing of the leader and the main transfer conducted gear wheels.
We wrap an adjusting nut of the right bearing of differential before receiving a side gap in gearing of gear wheels of the main transfer of 0,15-0,17 mm.
Finally we tighten bolts of fastening of covers of bearings the moment of 67-73 N · m (6,8-7,5 kgfs · l) also we double-check a gap in gearing of gear wheels of the main transfer. If necessary we repeat adjustment. We establish lock plates of adjusting nuts and we fix them by bolts. Establishing a back cover of a case of the main transfer, we grease its laying and bolts with sealant.
The cover should be focused substamping of a flange so that to provide a possibility of installation of an adapter of the brake system and correctness of an arrangement of a stopper of a jellied opening.